The elevating risk of various cardiac diseases due to excessive weight is becoming a concern among the people for not only who are overweight or obese but also among the general public. The increased weight poses various diseases of heart like the blood pressure, stroke and heart attack. Not only this the overweight and obese people are more prone to several other problems like diabetes, cancers, arthritis, spine problems and various other disorders of bones. Acupuncture is one of the ancient ways that is still the most natural way to put a watch over increasing weight.
Acupuncture helps an individual in controlling appetite
Following a strict diet regime becomes tough as an individual needs to keep control over the various mouth watering dishes. In spite of following the various schedules and weight loss diet plans, an individual looks for various other alternatives that can enable him or her to control eating habits. Acupuncture is one such art or therapy that has been originated in the ancient Chinese period and belongs to the Chinese medicine system and this therapy is now being widely practiced all over the world in reducing weight.
Acupuncture makes use of applying the pressure on various points and positions in the body that are related to various organs. The art of applying pressure is however the most critical factor in weight loss as applying pressure at a wrong point may not be beneficial for the same purpose. The weight loss center is suggested to be present in the ear so most of the acupuncturists make use of the ear to reduce weight. It is a well known medical fact that the endorphins present in the body are called as “feel good substances” and food is one such stimulant for these endorphins. Consequently by controlling the release of the endorphins from the body helps to control body weight.
So, acupuncture helps in controlling these stimulants so that people feel less hunger and the urge to eat lowers.
Monday, May 24, 2010
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